GRC on Neuromodulation, 2018 

Shivesh Chaudhary

PhD Candidate
Lu Lab, Georgia Tech
+1 470-779-3907
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Research Interests

I am an experimentalist and computational scientist bringing in tools from machine-learning and computer vision to neuroscience.
I am particularly interested in how stimulus and behavior is encoded in C. elegans brain, and how global brain activity evolves over long timescales.

My current PhD work areas include:



I was trained as a Chemical Engineer at IIT Kanpur where I finished BS-MS dual degree in 2013. There I worked with Prof. P. K. Bhattacharya on computational modelling of water management in PEM fuel cells and effects of Schroeder's Paradox. After graduating, I worked with a Management Consulting firm developing data-driven solutions for international firms like Wolters Kluwers, Assurant, T-Mobile. Since 2016 I am a PhD Candidate at Georgia Tech, advised by Prof. Hang Lu, where I work on developing tools for fast and easy processing of whole-brain functional imaging data.